Christmas Eve Morn

Happy Christmas Eve! I think our warm spell is over --- there is a chilly wind blowing – the sky is clear, the rain is gone and the sun is s... thumbnail 1 summary
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Happy Christmas Eve!

I think our warm spell is over --- there is a chilly wind blowing – the sky is clear, the rain is gone and the sun is shining.

I was up early – filling the cabin with yummy smells from the kitchen.

I like to chill sugar cookie dough overnight in the fridge before rolling and cutting out ---this is a shot of my counter top this morning!

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Ready to go into the oven and will be iced later!

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iced soft ginger cookies with sprinkles were made last night

((There are more sprinkles under the rack than are on the cookies – go figure!))

I even managed a nap yesterday afternoon ---and when I awoke, I had new knobs installed

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I like the squares!!

Before, they were just brass things like this:

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Bleh!  I do like the dark squares better.

The question remains….now what do I do with THESE?

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There seem to be two kinds.  Or two batches?

The ones on the left are very heavy solid brass.

The ones on the right are lighter and shinier and must be some kind of alloy?

All in all – it was a wonderful day!  Capped off with the perfect sunset off the west side of the deck:

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One beautiful on-fire sunset!

And as the sun went down, The Hubster’s Christmas lights came on along the split rail fence in the front just as Jason arrived from South Carolina – and all was peaceful in our world:

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Jeff is working until 3pm today, and then he will be up.  And then it really WILL be Christmas for our family!

From our little cabin to your home ---Merry Christmas!

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