The Tale of Too Many Kitchen Knobs!

So, in my quilt-induced stupor, I wrote this post ahead last night to post at 7am this morning, completely forgetting that I had already wri... thumbnail 1 summary
So, in my quilt-induced stupor, I wrote this post ahead last night to post at 7am this morning, completely forgetting that I had already written the Mystery Monday Link-Up post to post at the EXACT SAME TIME!

I woke up with a start, ran down here and reset this one to post later in the day -- what a dinglehead I am!

If you receive this twice in your reader, and the first time it went to a page not found, now you know why!

The story of the knobs is  kind of funny ---I spent yesterday running around after kitchen knobs of all things.

I found ROUND ones at Lowes – and grabbed the one style that had 47 in the drawer. I wasn’t thrilled with them. But I bought them.

All 47 of them.

Pretty ordinary looking aren’t they?

Well – what’s a girl to do when she wants them installed over Christmas – she’s got to go with what’s available, right?

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Yes.  47 knobs in my cart.  Purchase made and paid for.  Done.

Or so I thought!

Next up the road was a stop at Walmart for some other necessities.  And I found myself in the hardware department and they had – oh boy!


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In 10 packs!  And these are OCTAGONS…and I really liked them…but they only had ONE pack!

But I bought them.  Because.  I thought THIS was what I wanted!

I called The Hubster and sent him to one Walmart close to home while I made quick plans to hit a couple others on my way back home to Wallburg from Wilkesboro---

And I found them….but….


I found some I liked BETTER!

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I grabbed 5 me 50 knobs ((47 for the kitchen, and 3 spares!)), waited in a ridiculously long line behind other people with last minute holiday purchases…paid for them, rain to the car in the rain and called The Hubster.  “DO NOT BUY THE OCTAGON KNOBS!  I found ones I like better!!”  I’m sure he thought I was whacko, but whatever makes me happy!

And these do.  We are headed back up to Quilt Villa.  This time to STAY until Friday!  Jason arrives this evening – Jeff arrives on Christmas eve early evening.  I’ll have NEW KNOBS installed for Christmas.

And my family will be together.

And somewhere along the line I’ve got to return 47 round knobs to Lowes, and a 10 pack of octagon knobs to Walmart ---

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