Quilt-Cam 8/7/2016

Good afternoon, Quiltvillians! We are going to give this Quilt-Cam thing another try, on a different lap top to see if the audio still has ... thumbnail 1 summary
Good afternoon, Quiltvillians!

We are going to give this Quilt-Cam thing another try, on a different lap top to see if the audio still has issues.

I have to tell you, I’ve been nearly sick to my stomach over things that go wrong with Quilt-Cam.  You know how it goes, if things are going to screw up, it’s when you are facing an audience and have no control over it.

As always, I will give it ONE MORE TRY if something happens, and if it does, give it about 5 minutes for me to start another feed, and then refresh the page so the second feed is visible on the page.  I can’t just take up where we left off, I have to start a whole NEW Quilt-Cam and embed that into the page as also.

Imagine me doing the proverbial “headless chicken” over here as I run around saying some not so nice things and trying to get it going again!

I am extremely happy to be able to be HOME on a Sunday so that we can offer Quilt-Cam to those in European time zones instead of the middle of the night their time.

In fact, emails are already coming in with some show and share photos from the UK!  Take a look at this glorious Hunter’s Star and the Allietare blocks that are on the design wall!

Carroll writes:
Hi from Bristol Uk , my name is Carroll and this is the first time that I have caught quilt cam live. I have not been machine quilting for long only 3 years but love it. I have just got your book adventures with leaders and enders and am now cutting what scraps I have ready to start.
Tonight I am working on my hunter star quilt, not perfect but I'm happy with it. Catching up with your YouTube videos and learning so much. Thank you for all your inspiration. Attached a pic of what is under my needle.

So glad you could join us, Carroll! I bet she never expected to see her photo front and center on her very first live Quilt-Cam!
This is what’s going under MY needle today:
It’s a messy busy sewing station!
I am stitching the triangle string units to the center units of a quilt for the next book…..It’s been put off and waylaid due to other immediate deadlines, and it is time to pull it out and get these on.
I’m stitching today on my 1950s Electro-Hygiene.  LOVE green machines!  Silly name, but it is reported that was also the name of a vacuum cleaner that was very popular back in the day…you know…sucking up the dirt is more hygienic than sweeping it around? Sew & Vac? Vac & Sew? Whatever the connection, this Japanese import is an uptake of the Singer class 15, and has a feed dog dropping mechanism on the bed near the pillar. Big improvement!
Quilt-Cam Support Personnel asleep on duty!

It took two tries! The first time only showed my profile photo -- but HEY! It had audio!

The second try we nailed it!  You just never know with google hangouts and youtube!

Thanks for joining me today folks!  Tomorrow I head to Denver!

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