The Best Gift of Christmas

The best gift of Christmas was having both of my sons here and watching them interact with each other. Nothing brings such joy as watching s... thumbnail 1 summary
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The best gift of Christmas was having both of my sons here and watching them interact with each other.

Nothing brings such joy as watching siblings not only love and care for each other, but watching the teasing, the laughing, the way they handle their differences –most of all just knowing that they will also be life long friends.  

That blood is thicker than water – to watch how they give to each other.  Oh yes, they give each other quite a bit of grief too –but that’s what brothers do.

The big hit of Christmas for them, however, was not how sentimental their mom was feeling ---because boys will be boys!  And grown up boys still act like little boys when it comes to boys with toys!

The surprise gift of Christmas came as a pair of four-wheelers we had arranged to pick up on Christmas morning thanks to a craigslist ad that came at the right time:

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It doesn’t look like it – but it was only 28 degrees on Christmas morning!

The cold temps didn’t stop them though….off they went to go see the waterfall!

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There they go!

When they got back, their noses were frozen and their cheeks were red with cold, but it wasn’t anything that hot mugs of coffee couldn’t fix!

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Christmas dinner was a simple affair ---

Spiral ham, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes and all the fixings filled our bellies to the brim.

And the BEST part of Christmas?

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Jason napping on this couch – still wearing the hat I brought him from Salzburg!

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Jeff and Sadie crashed out on this couch….he was so worn out he didn’t even stop to take off his shoes!

Both boys left shortly after dark – as both are working today.  It was so wonderful to have them both here, for our first Christmas up at the cabin. 

One bit of conversation over heard between them ---Jeff said “I guess I’ll have to come up  more often now that there are 4-wheelers here.”  Oh yes – that’s the whole idea, son!

Today there is not much on the agenda.  Who wants to go out shopping the day after Christmas?  NOT ME!   I want to sew!

We will head  back home tomorrow – I need Saturday to pack up everything I need for Dallas over New Years. 

I’m thinking if everything goes right, we might sneak in ONE MORE Quilt-Cam in 2013 – how about Saturday afternoon at 2pm EST ?  We haven’t had an afternoon cam session for quite a while, and this way the Europeans can join us in their afternoon time?  I’ll let you know more by Saturday morning whether that will work or not.  I’m hoping it will. 

One of my gifts to myself was a new web cam – A CHEAP one – it occurred to me that the cam I have may be so “high end” that it has made the focusing too hard..I need one I can adjust, not the auto focus kind that focus on the closest thing in the cam view – which turns out to be the back of my sewing machine.  I bought a lower end one just to try – to see if the picture is any better.  We’ll give it a shot and see!

But in the mean time, I’m going to enjoy every bit of quiet solitude and peace found in these mountains that have become balm for my soul.


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