A Piece-Full Afternoon!

This post is a test.  It's a test to see if I can just upload my photos via Windows Live Writer, and then just insert my text over in Bl... thumbnail 1 summary
This post is a test. 

It's a test to see if I can just upload my photos via Windows Live Writer, and then just insert my text over in Blogger where I can actually SEE what I am typing.

It is NOT the screen resolution.  I can change the screen resolution and the size of the text for the computer until the cows come home, but it doesn't change what goes on within Windows Live Writer.  

The font stays very small as a default and I can't see to write it.

When I forward the post as a draft -- everything is normal once I open it up within the Blogger interface -- it's something with Live Writer that is not Windows 8 compatible --it's too small to read..I mean minuscule... Like calibri in size 9.  dinky!!

Anyway, I think this will work for now.  What I like MOST about Live Writer is that I can set the default size for my photos...nice and large like this:


Blogger doesn't offer this size --their LARGE photo is the size that you see at the top of this post...and I'll often use that for the first photo in a post, but I like to be able to really SHOW You what I'm doing.  These photos are set at 550 wide. 

Can you see I'm working on my Wonky Wishes blocks?  The Cheddar Sampler is done --and I needed something quick to grab and go and this was it!  I need 30 blocks...which is 120 stars total.  Tutorial found HERE.

Masses of 2.5" Squares and light crumbs -- that's all that is needed!

I'm sewing on the Singer 15-30 1921 treadle with the Tiffany decals I brought home for $65 last June.  Click HERE for the story!

I've moved the treadle machine to where I can see the TV so The Hubster doesn't feel neglected.  Is there anything better than piecing during an NCIS Marathon the day after Christmas?  I'm a pretty happy camper!


The pile grows!

Remember that tomorrow is PART FIVE of Celtic Solstice!  Are you ready??

Our Mystery Monday Link-Up closes tonight at 11:55pm Eastern. So get your progress posted if you are still working on that! And you can check out all of the folks who have linked up on this post HERE.  142 persevering quilters have joined us in this link up!

And with that, I'm back to the machine for more star piecing.  This is the year of depleting the 2.5" square bin!

Have a great evening, Everyone!

**Post Script**  Sending over the post with just the photos still made my font VERY SMALL after publishing it here through Blogger.  URGH.  And the search for the right interface goes on ---

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