Boxy Stars is DONE!!

 It’s DONE! Getting the binding, hanging sleeve and label sewn down by hand was my evening project over the past Christmas week while at the... thumbnail 1 summary
cabin_Dec2013 050
 It’s DONE!

Getting the binding, hanging sleeve and label sewn down by hand was my evening project over the past Christmas week while at the cabin.

I just LOVE what the yellow border has done for this quilt.

The dark purple I had "THOUGHT" would work has found it's place as the final binding, but would have been too dark for what was going on in the center, where there is already not that much light going on ---

The yellow was my LAST choice...but it is the one that worked the best, so let this be a lesson -- Do not be so set in your ideas that you miss the best choice just because your mind is already made up.

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On the split rail fence at the cabin, in the afternoon sunlight ---this post is also a test to see what happens if I post the photos in Windows Live Writer, write ONE sentence and set the font size for it, send it over to Blogger and re-edit from here, adding the rest of the text.

You never know what will happen until you hit PUBLISH!  We shall see what this does.

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Isn't the quilting texture pretty?  This edge to edge design is called Espalier by Hermione Agee of Lorien Quilting, Australia.  Click HERE for more info.

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It's ready to go to Texas with me tomorrow for a fun week of Workshops in Plano and McKinney!

Want to make one?  You'll find the free pattern for Boxy Stars under the free patterns tab at the top of the blog!

I also want to stick in a quick reminder for Quilt-Cam this AFTERNOON at 2pm EST.  I'm going to try a new webcam out -- to see if it will focus better.  I may try another camera position so it doesn't focus on the closest object to the camera, which of course is the back of my machine.  This means we may shoot from the side a bit to keep things in better focus.

Thank you for putting up with me when conditions in the studio aren't optimal all the time -- this is not a professional job -- it's me, my machine, my laptop and an external camera.  It is what it is!

Hope to see you here at 2pm!

And with that, I'm off to Sam's club at an extremely early hour (It's 6:45am as I write this) because I forgot to pick up bubble mailers on the way home from the Cabin yesterday, and I need to get all the orders that came in since Monday off to the post office today ---and they close at noon!

Catch you later, gators!

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