String Fling Winners–Come On Down!

It’s Sunday evening! The show is over, everyone has dispersed – there are just a few of us left with far enough to go that we are not leavi... thumbnail 1 summary

It’s Sunday evening! The show is over, everyone has dispersed – there are just a few of us left with far enough to go that we are not leaving to catch our flights until the morning.

I almost FORGOT that we are drawing for winners this evening ----but I’m so excited to do so.

The response to String Fling at the show has been so positive and overwhelming! I want to get these names drawn so that I can get them bundled up and sent out with as many as can go out before I leave for Idaho ---

Sooooooo…Let’s do this, shall we?

We have 1,275 comments!!! This just blows me away!

Our First Winner ---- Debbie S!

She writes:

My strings are so excited about your book and how you have expanded our quilt knowledge to include them with their fellow distant relatives, the Blocks.

They have been just screaming to Fling themselves out of their drawer to play with the designs in your new book.....really they promised to behave and not multiply too quickly if they can see daylight and be in one of your new quilt patterns.

Cross their threads (their version of pinky swear).

My STRINGS and I thank you for the possibility of being able to win your book.



Our Second Winner is Lisa!

She writes:

Oh Bonnie I'd love to have a Fling with you (String Fling that is).

Congratulations on the new book, I'm sure it is fabulous, and I hope you sell lots and lots of copies.


Congrats to Debbie and to Lisa! I’m sending them each an email to let them know they won. Please send me your snail mail addresses and I’ll get these into the queue waiting for me at home and get them mailed to you ASAP!

Thank you Thank you everyone for participating! I can’t believe the number of comments you left, and it is so nice to have so much support and excitement built up over this long awaited book!

For those wanting to order, you can click HERE to preview the quilts in the book, and then head over to my online book store to order.

To celebrate, my two Vermont Quilt Festival roomies and I headed into downtown Burlington to treat ourselves to a local Vermont Icon --- Ben & Jerry’s!

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I do have my favorites, so on this beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon --- it had to be:

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Chunky Monkey and Cherry Garcia!

Tomorrow Judy and I will make our way to the airport via a shared taxi – we warned them there were 6 bags between us luggage wise ---they said they could handle it no problem! ((Famous Last Words?!))

Peace, Love & Ice Cream, Y'all!

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