From The Mail Room!

I’m Home! I’ve even had a nap. MUCH NEEDED! Now I’m sitting in my basement with a stack of mail to go through and book orders to start fi... thumbnail 1 summary

I’m Home!

I’ve even had a nap. MUCH NEEDED!

Now I’m sitting in my basement with a stack of mail to go through and book orders to start filling tomorrow after I’ve had a good night’s sleep!

There are a couple of things to go over.

I know everyone is anxious and excited about their books, as I am – believe me! I want them out to you as quickly as is possible.

I have received several mails asking if their book has shipped and when they could expect it. I feel your waiting-pains!

I want to take this time to reiterate that anything that has gone out prior to TOMORROW is an EARLY DELIVERY.

When we started taking pre-orders I originally expected delivery Mid-July to Early August --- and stated so on the book order page and in the posts announcing the book release.

In the mean time, the books showed up the DAY before I left for Vermont Quilt Festival the end of June, a bit over 2 weeks early. I got out a batch that night, and we mailed them. I came home from Vermont and filled book orders Monday Night, and Tuesday, mailing those..and on Wednesday the 4th of July, I left for my family reunion in Idaho.

Yes, many have received their books but there are many more waiting. We are RIGHT ON TIME with the expected delivery dates of all the others that are still waiting.

I am home tomorrow and Wednesday to get out as many as I can. My next trip on Thursday to Pennsylvania is a driving trip, so my mobile office will be going with me and I will likely be filling and mailing book orders from all across the state of Pennsylvania, working on them in the evenings after my classes as time allows.

After the Hershey Show, I head to Williamsburg for the Quiltmaker Block Party! I will arrive a day or so early, because it’s not worth the extra driving time to go all the way home and turn around the next day to drive BACK to Williamsburg—so I will be filling book orders and mailing them from Historic Williamsburg as well!

I drive home from Williamsburg on August 4th. I don’t leave for Bali until August 20th. We WILL BE CAUGHT UP completely by early August!

And that is how things are running around here.

So please give me some time to get these orders out in the order that they were received. Before I leave for PA on Thursday, I’ll post the last invoice number that was filled along with the date the order was placed. That should help you find out where in the queue you are because I won’t have all my records with me when traveling, I’ll be unable to look up each and every order for those who want to know where in line they are.

When I get back home after Williamsburg I’ll be able to give an update on where we are invoice number wise as well.

If you sent in a snail mail order with a check – it takes 2 weeks for check orders to clear, and there is no invoice number to track those, so just be watching your own bank for your check to clear.

And on we go!

Now there is one thing I have to do, hate to do, but must do.

Each and every book out there can have errors in printing.

A couple of small ones have been brought to my attention in the past week or so and I want to make you aware of them.

At any time, if you think something is not right…please check the ERRATA TAB at the top of the blog. I will be listing known errors there.

Before emailing me to ask me a question about something, please check the tab first to see if it is already listed. If not, I welcome emails because there might be something that others need to know about that we may have missed.

Admitting errors is like hanging your undies out to dry for everyone to see in public.

Be gentle with me, I take it very personally!

Just know that things happen even with a team of 8 or more people working on a book.

One of the errors in String Fling is the numbers being scrambled on the paper foundation for Pineapple Crazy. I have no idea how that could have happened because it wasn’t that way before, but weird things happen.

So check the Errata Tab, print it, keep it with your books, and let me know if I need to add something to it.

All errors will be corrected in subsequent printings.

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