A Night at the Starlight Mountain Theater!

We were all jazzed up and ready to be heading over to the Starlight Mountain Theater in Crouch to see this summer’s production of Fiddler o... thumbnail 1 summary

We were all jazzed up and ready to be heading over to the Starlight Mountain Theater in Crouch to see this summer’s production of Fiddler on the Roof!

I used to do musical theater when I was a teen, and I so LOVE these classic musicals!

In fact, Jason nudged me a couple of times to get me to shut up from singing --- I’m SORRY, I can’t HELP MYSELF!

We caravanned through town and found our parking spot in the grassy lot out in front of the theater itself. It reminded me of all those times as a kid that we would go to drive-in movies ---but this time --- we piled OUT of the cars, and walked a short distance to the theater where we were met by cast members in full costume, handing out programs and helping direct us to our seating.

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Here are many of us as we were waiting for the rest of us to arrive.

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It was a packed house!

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The cast starts every show with the audience joining in to sing the national anthem.

We were told that during the performance itself that we were not to take pictures, but that we could during intermission or after the show. Knowing what a shutter bug I am – it was hard to put the camera away, but I did!

And at intermission ---we were too busy with an emergency ---the lady sitting two seats down from me passed out cold ---REALLY PASSED OUT--- from what was most likely dehydration! Her family yelled for help --- I saw what was going on and yelled for SOMEONE to call 911 ---the only bad part being…NO ONE HAS CELL SERVICE UP HERE! They must have gotten someone in the office to call it in.

In the mean time, we were in good company with my family. My aunt is a nurse, my brother in law is an EMT and a medical student studying to be a PA. We kept things under control until the ambulance arrived.

Kelly was asking the lady questions after she came back around, and just watching his gentle manner with her made me so proud to have him in my family. Turns out ALL she had had to drink on this 100 degree day ((And it was now after 8pm at night)) was a cup of coffee early in the day, and a can of root beer in the afternoon. That’s the problem with dry heat – you dehydrate so fast and don’t even know it because you don’t sweat. Keep that water flowing, folks!

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We ended up with a LONG intermission until the ambulance could get there and convince her that she NEEDED to go to the hospital to be checked out.

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As intermision milled around – the evening got darker, cooler, and gentle breezes were welcome. We were all ready to get back into the story when the music started up again!

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The bows at the end were met with great rounds of applause and standing ovations!

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If you find yourself anywhere near Boise, Idaho in the summer time --- It’s well worth the drive up to Crouch to see one of the many musical productions that go on through the season. The talent is phenomenal, the location is breath taking. Just be sure to drink loads of water through the day before you come to the show!

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