Evening Edition ---Rhubarb Bread Pudding, and a Free Kindle Book!

I just returned from a cookout given by a guild member ----OH! It was so fun! And relaxing. And gorgeous out there on the bluffs overlook... thumbnail 1 summary

I just returned from a cookout given by a guild member ----OH! It was so fun! And relaxing. And gorgeous out there on the bluffs overlooking the Lake Erie Valley with Lake Erie right there in the distance---

You should SEE all the grape vineyards in this area --- acres and acres and acres of gorgeous grapes growing on hillsides – their curly tendrils blowing in today’s blustery impending-storm-weather.

I love the curly swirlies of grape vines! I can’t resist trying to pull them straight --- and then watching them spring back into little coils. we had grapes growing in our garden as I grew up ,and when they were ready, the juicing would begin. Quarts and quarts of juice from the steam juicer – I can hear the lids pinging in my memory, and boy did the house smell good, and that juice was so good all winter long!

Okay – I’ve already gone onto one tangent, let’s see if I can reign this in a bit better ----How do I get from grapes to rhubarb?

We filled ourselves with home grilled burgers, potato salad, slaw, home made corn relish, --and then the rhubarb part comes! She served the most wonderful rhubarb bread pudding ((I should have gotten the recipe!)) warm with ice cream.

And yes, there are childhood memories attached to rhubarb too --- how vividly I remember being about 5 years old in our house in Minnetonka, MN – and picking the rhubarb from the yard ---dipping the end into the sugar bowl, and just chewing away. Just that memory alone makes my mouth water!

So it’s on the tail end of this wonderful gathering of quilters and dinner around the deck and rhubarb bread pudding for dessert that has me back in my room – unwinding --- getting ready to sew ---and browsing online.

And what do I find? A free kindle book with the title of RHUBARB! How’s that for a segue?!!

Rhubarb by M.H. Van Keuren is free tonight in the Amazon Kindle Store – and it’s got great ratings!

Book Description:

Martin knows every desolate mile of Eastern Montana’s highways. As a traveling salesman, his only companion is talk radio. Its reports of the paranormal keep Martin entertained—and hopeful that there’s more to the universe than selling screws and nails to far-flung, small-town hardware stores.

A bright spot in Martin’s routine is the complimentary breakfast at a motel in Brixton, a junction town well past its sell-by date. But it’s not the watery coffee, day-old pastries, and pre-mixed waffle batter he loves. It’s Cheryl, the housekeeper who sets out the breakfast.

Martin’s chance comes when Cheryl’s car breaks down and he stops to give her a ride. To thank him, she bakes him a rhubarb pie, and he works up the courage to ask her out on a date. She agrees—but then she’s gone. Left town for a guy she met on the Internet, or so everyone says.

But Cheryl’s stepfather doesn’t buy it. He blames Martin for her disappearance, sending Martin on a search for the truth. What he uncovers about Cheryl’s family and Brixton’s history is far weirder than anything he’s ever heard on the radio. Especially if it’s true that Cheryl’s salvation lies in discovering a long-lost secret recipe for rhubarb pie—which might just be the best, and the most dangerous, pie in the galaxy.

It was still free for me --- but double check that it is for you before you click purchase – things change without notice!

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I’m loving my B&B surroundings! Here I’ve got my featherweight set up ---I’m using the “other” side of the bed as my place to sew –good thing I’ve brought my folding table because there isn’t a desk in here ---I scrounged an extra chair from downstairs to sit on --- and I’m ready to do some piecing tonight.

It will be an early night though – tomorrow is my REALLY BUSY day! Two half day workshops back to back….one going from 8am to noon, and the other from 1pm to 5pm – followed by dinner out with the guild girls.

This Ohio/Pennsylvania whirlwind trip is winding down – I start home on Tuesday morning – just going to go as far as I can. It was 9 hours to Dayton last Sunday when I drove up – and it about killed my leg by the time it was done --- I’m going to take more breaks and just go as far as I can ----and yes, it’s TUESDAY so those antique malls BETTER be open!

Have a great evening, everyone!

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