Evening Edition, Free Kindle Book!

I love plays on words, so when I came across this one, it sounded funny enough for me to want to delve into it. I am in a mood for FUNNY an... thumbnail 1 summary

I love plays on words, so when I came across this one, it sounded funny enough for me to want to delve into it. I am in a mood for FUNNY and light hearted right now….

I’ll get this out here quick because my to-do list is long and time is getting short for me to do it all – I’ve squeezed every spare minute out of this 2 weeks home….and tomorrow is LOAD THE CAR day – because I’m headed to Ohio on Sunday!

So here we go:

Silenced by the Yams by Karen Cantwell is free in the Amazon Kindle Store.

((Play on Silence of the Lambs, get it? HA!))

Genre: Mystery/Humor

Book Description:

What’s more chaotic than a house with a canary, two hungry cats, and a yappy poodle with elimination issues? Answer: Barbara Marr on a murder investigation. That’s right, when Barb attends her first movie review screening, film director Kurt Baugh dies within twenty minutes of meeting her.

If that isn’t bad enough, her friend, ex-Mafioso, Frankie Romano, is arrested for the murder. In usual Barbara Marr fashion, a whole load of trouble ensues when she seeks to vindicate Frankie of the crime. More laughs, more fun, more Barbara Marr!

This third book in the popular Barbara Marr Murder Mystery Series brings Barb out of the suburbs and into the slimy, urban world of bright lights, nightly news, and drive-by shootings. Luckily, she never loses her sense of humor or her ability to befriend some decidedly quirky characters.

It sounds very fun. Much more fun than packing up a trunk show and getting Shamu loaded! I’ve also dowloaded a bunch of mp3 books from my library to my mp3 player, so that will be ready for car listening.

I don’t know how long it will be free, so please double check before clicking that it still is for you.

And OH! Look what came today?!?


The quilts from String Fling are home! I’ll be taking a few of these on the road with me this week ---I just wish I had the books to go with them, but I hope to whet some appetites!

I spent a good part of today working on a top from those leader/ender 4 patches --- Still haven’t made near big enough of a dent in that huge bag of them….but I’m making a go of it!

Can you tell that Sadie was wishing I’d stop sewing and pay HER some attention?


Awww, poor neglected girl!

Have a super evening everyone – it’s officially THE WEEKEND!! Whoowhooo!

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