Dinner with Michelle!

A reader’s question posted as Anonymous reminded me that I didn’t post anything about our dinner with Michelle and her parents! It had been... thumbnail 1 summary

A reader’s question posted as Anonymous reminded me that I didn’t post anything about our dinner with Michelle and her parents!

It had been a few months since I had seen her – time passes quickly for me, but BOY has she grown!

Look at this adorable face!

She’s got the world on a string ---and she’s wrapped herself around everyone’s fingers.

Not only that --- she doesn’t just walk – this girl RUNS!

We could hardly get her to stand still enough to take a photo…I had to catch her mid-motion-blur!

Hold Still, Michelle, smile at me, let me take your picture!

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Zoom zoom, NO WAY!!

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Not only is Michelle quite the character, but she is Mama’s side-kick, always busy and into everything as most one year olds are.

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She loves to dance with her “Ba-Ba” ((Daddy)) too!

((Ya’ll, are you catching that batik skirt fashion statement? She’s got it rockin!))

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She wasn’t all too fired up about me holding her – she wanted DOWN and to go play --- NOW!

But the funniest of all --- this is what happens any time DH picks her up:

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I don’t blame you, Michelle, he scares me sometimes too…LOL!

And for the commenter who asked….I’m happy to say that when Michael and Harriet moved to a new rental house a few months ago – Michelle got her own room, and has slept through the night since! A change of venue, a new routine, a room to herself – and she is out for the count, which makes for some very happy parents. I hope their move to Texas goes smoothly and they settle right in again into their new digs.

We will definitely miss you, our friends, the Gutoh Family!

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