----And They All Fall Down!

LAST Monday, which happened to be Memorial Day, when Lisa was over to sew ---we had noticed that yes, even in the basement, SUMMER was radi... thumbnail 1 summary

LAST Monday, which happened to be Memorial Day, when Lisa was over to sew ---we had noticed that yes, even in the basement, SUMMER was radiating it’s lovely heat making my studio a bit on the stuffy side. Time to pull out the oscillating fan I use to kind of move some air around here to make it feel not so “close”.

I couldn’t find it anywhere. WHERE did I put it? Did I move it after the closet re-do?

I checked upstairs…I checked in the guest room closet. I checked the garage, the storage room off the sun-room, I checked everywhere.

I finally opted for a floor fan that would at least blow a bit of air on our ankles ……but it didn’t oscillate.

Fast forward to SATURDAY ---I spy this TURBO OSCILLATING COLUMN FAN at Sam’s and think --- this has GOT to be just what I want, what I need! And home it comes.


Remember THIS PHOTO of my Jubilee blocks on my design wall from THIS POST last week?

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After plugging in my fan, and spending time at the computer I looked up after printing out batches of invoices and labels to find THIS:

vintage machines 077

Where did everything go?! LOL!!

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Everything else had been blown off the design wall that is semi-behind a door ---and landed in a heap on the floor.

I’m thinking maybe TURBO FAN is not such a great idea in a room with a design wall!

Oh, and the original oscillating fan that I could NOT find? Found it. As soon as I moved the roll of batting we needed for Lisa’s quilt yesterday --- THERE IT WAS.


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