A Tisket, A Tasket ---

Bonnie bought a new basket! I found this little basekt in a 20% off booth in one of the antique malls in Waynesville on Thursday. Isn’t it... thumbnail 1 summary

Bonnie bought a new basket!

I found this little basekt in a 20% off booth in one of the antique malls in Waynesville on Thursday. Isn’t it cool? I think it might have been a knitting basket, but as I love old quirky baskets, it’s perfect, no matter what it was originally used for.

Believe me – I scoured the antique shops quickly, but scoured them thoroughly ---sometimes you find loads of good stuff, and sometimes just not!

What was interesting about those shops was the hours --- some of them didn’t open til noon, and some of them said “by luck or by chance”.

Wow. I wish I could run my business by luck or by chance! I would have done more browsing if they had been open, but I needed to hit the road and make it over to Ashtabula.

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Don’t doorways like this just draw you in?

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The old buildings and shops are fun to wander……and that’s just the thing, you never know what you will find ---that's part of the thrill of the treasure hunt!

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One shop had two toy machines, and one antique treadle head in a glass cabinet --- way too rich for my blood, but fun to see! I already have one very similar to the red one on the right.

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There were a few quilts, but not many ---

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One quilt had darling baskets in embroidery ----this is the first kind of needlework I learned to do. My step-grandma taught me how to trace images onto muslin, and then to do all of the stitchery in colored floss – so not quite red work – instead it was fun picking which color would go where. I always think of her when I see embroideries like this!

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There’s my shadow! Taking a picture of a rug/runner loom as I wandered down the street from one shop to the next. This thing looked ancient ---I think I'd rather be quilting!

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Some quilt tops were “shirnk wrapped” in plastic and you couldn’t even get to them! I couldn’t find anyone to tell the warnings of plastic and humidity and the need for fabric to breathe to ---but I sure wished I could get these tops out behind the plastic!

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Bow Tie Top! Great 50’s fabrics --- but it didn’t come home with me.

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This lovely old treadle was marked $40 ---look at those decals! It’s a White Rotary ---

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Close up of the corner decals --- This didn’t come home with me either. I just don’t have what it needs to get this up and running, and it’s a treadle, not a motorized machine. I love vintage machines, but with my life as fast paced as it is, I really like to sew with a motor :c)

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When I told the shop keeper this, she unearthed this Singer Spartan and sold it to me for $28.00.

I swore I wasn’t going to buy any more machines --- but….come on --- $28.00?? I shouldn't have opened my mouth about prefering a motorized vintage machine --- OOPS!

Just how am I going to explain THIS one to DH!?


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