Machines, Cruises and Cabin Time...

This was a fun introductory photo to a group I’m with – avid vintage sewing machine collectors and users.  There are more than just quilters... thumbnail 1 summary
This was a fun introductory photo to a group I’m with – avid vintage sewing machine collectors and users. 

There are more than just quilters in the group, which is fun because I love hearing what ELSE  people make – from clothing to awnings to boat seat covers and even sails.

When it comes to the heavy duty sewing, there is nothing that can beat the vintage machine.

In preparation for Quilt-Cam last night (That went bust because the sound cut out after 8 minutes…but you can catch those 8 minutes and then try to read my lips for the NEXT 8 minutes after it died HERE)

I had pulled out my green Electro-Hygiene machine with the caption of “always wash your hands before you sew!” 

The words on my photo?
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