Yellow It Is!

 Movie fest was a great success – it kept me motivated to keep sewing, and I got the top complete --- I had bought several pieces of fabric ... thumbnail 1 summary
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 Movie fest was a great success – it kept me motivated to keep sewing, and I got the top complete ---

I had bought several pieces of fabric in many different colors up with me in the hopes that one of them will work for the sashing, and the others would work for borders.

I LIKE busy quilts.  I don’t do a lot of quilts with plain empty open spaces – NEGATIVE SPACE!?  What IS that?!

The purple sashing was just perfect – it contrasted even with the purples that were in the blocks, where the light blue or the yellow or the green that I had brought made elements of the blocks disappear.

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The cornerstones were already on hand – straight from the 2-1/2” scrap squares box!

I've been using them to build my Split 9-patch blocks…and wooot!  We are over 100 blocks done now!  I’m shooting for a 12 X 14 set ((My quilts cover PEOPLE, and there are BIG people in my family!)) so I have another 60 or so to go for a total of 168 blocks.  No worry, no hurry – that’s what leader & ender projects are for.  They aren't a race ---they just are there to end seams, and before you know it, a quilt is born!

But I digress ---I LOVE having boxes of squares on hand in all their variety ---can you imagine having to cut squares off of 2-1/2” strips, or worse..from fat quarters or yardage if I wanted this kind of variety in my cornerstones?  Nope.  They were already there waiting for me, and it was as easy as dealing out a deck of cards.

The next question was….What to border with?

The quilt is fairly dark and color-saturated already – not a lot of light showing through, so I added a black on white inner border to bring some of that daylight to the outer edge to float the quilt center before adding the final border:
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Hard to see on the carpet --

I measure my borders through the center of the quilt for borders that lay extremely flat.  Check my border hints page HERE.

But when it came to outer border color…what to do – what to do??

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Choice #1  Green check?
Choice #2 Dark purple Stripe?

I raised a poll on our QuiltvilleFriends page on Facebook to see what people thought ---at first the consensus was to go with the purple, but I had one more choice to upload as an option:

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Yellow Feathers!!

I honestly wasn't thinking the yellow would work….but it just brightened up everything so much – it let the WHITE shine through ---it made the lavender radiate.

Yellow it is!

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Bad lighting at 11pm!

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Close up of one corner.

It’s been really fun to remake this quilt.  What a super fun and easy pattern!  You’ll find the pattern for Boxy Stars under the free patterns tab at the top of the blog HERE.  I’ll be adding photos of THIS quilt to that pattern page as soon as I get it quilted and get the binding on.

And as for binding:

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I think that dark purple stripe is going to finish it off just fine!

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Favorite block….The Wicked Witch and the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz!

It was fun going through the 2-1/2” strips with reckless abandon making the combos as weird as possible.  Batiks with florals, novelties with civil war prints…just playing with color on color on color and not worrying about the print of the fabric.  There are fabrics in here from the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s and into the 2010s PLUS! 

My life in fabric ---loving the memories – and the scraps from other friends I have added to the mix--((Allison, I see your card guys in this block too!))

I’m headed down the mountain this morning.  I am on a mission.

I told the family what I want for Christmas ---they needed HELP!  

There are 47 knobs in the kitchen – brass balls.  PEELING brass balls.  They were probably installed when the cabin was built.  I want 47 NEW knobs in aged bronze or something more rustic looking, and I want them INSTALLED while I watch.  LOL!  Three men to replace 47 knobs should make it a fairly easy job.

Okay, more like I can be baking cookies while they can be switching out the knobs.

Finding 47 identical knobs may be a bit more rough….so my plan is to hit every Lowes store between Wilkesboro and Winston Salem – and I will include High Point and Kernersville if I have to.

Then every time I lay my hand on one of those knobs to open or close a cabinet door or drawer – I’ll feel the love of family and our first Christmas at Quilt Villa.

Things on the to do list before coming back up here tomorrow:

  • Load the quilt top in the machine and quickly quilt it with something “that will do”

  • Write the post for our Mystery Monday Link-Up #4 that goes live tomorrow morning at 7am ((Are you ready to share your progress?!))

  • Write FRIDAY’s clue #5 and get it ready to post ahead since we’ll still be up at the cabin on Friday and it needs to be ready to go.

  • Write the NEXT Clue #6 because we leave for Dallas on the 29th and I’ll be away from home when it posts!

  • If possible, get the binding sewn on the Boxy Stars quilt so I can hand stitch it during family time over Christmas ---

Can I get it done?  I’m going to try!

Have a great Sunday, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!

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