Tea Party at Grandma’s!

There are 8 of us siblings all together. When you add in spouses and children, it’s a whole gaggle of family, just the way we like it! Only... thumbnail 1 summary

There are 8 of us siblings all together. When you add in spouses and children, it’s a whole gaggle of family, just the way we like it!

Only --- the older I get, the tireder I get and I’ve come to realize that

1.) My mom is TIRELESS as a Grandma


2.) I’m glad I had my kids when I was young enough to keep up with them!

This afternoon all the girl cousins ((plus my nephew Porter who wouldn't let his sister have all the fun and not join in too!)) were treated to a tea party on the back deck of the house.

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Being as all REAL tea parties consist of white gloves, fancy hats and lots and lots of fun necklaces, the girls were anxious to play dress up for the festivities! This has become a much looked forward to event at Grandma’s house ---tea party time.

Tea parties are serious business. You have to use your best manners. You have to eat your food with care. You must not splash or spill your tea ((aka. lemonade!)) on the table cloth or on yourself, and you must say please and thank you.

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It’s a hoot to watch the kids trying so hard with their polite manners --- but play time is how we learn real time. There are lessons to be learned through tea party play!

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Knowing that all these cousins are building memories to last through their lifetimes – and that these memories will keep them connected long after we adults have passed to the next tea-party-in-the-sky makes me smile!

My memories of growing up with my cousins are so vivid and so important to me --- this next generation will hopefully keep these kind of special activities going on with their children as generations come and go ----

But we aren’t thinking that deep right now --- we don’t need to tell them WHY we are doing this ---we are just out here, having fun together!

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