Caught in the Act!

Of Dumpster Diving! Yesterday’s class produced a multitude of bonus triangles. In order to keep up with the steps of the mystery, there wa... thumbnail 1 summary

Of Dumpster Diving!

Yesterday’s class produced a multitude of bonus triangles.

In order to keep up with the steps of the mystery, there wasn’t really time to mark and double sew them into half square triangles before cutting them off – and if they were to be sewn later, they would be hard to get to 2” without REALLY narrow seams.

Sooooooo----many of these cut-offs found themselves buried in the waste bins.

After class I was waiting for the security guy to come by and lock my room back up and ---welllll?!??! What’s a girl supposed to do to occupy her time but straighten up the room and get it ready for the next day, right?

And. let’s just say by the time my room assistant came back to tell me that Mr. Security was on his way ----I was bent over with my head in a very tall waste basket trying to find every useable bit that had been pitched!

And I’m not talking about a few small snips here and there ---

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These are the cut off corners from 2.5” squares --- and OH what variety there is! My Wild & Goosey blocks will be SO HAPPY! And I am so happy to have these bits and snips of my student’s fabrics in my future quilts!

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Here they are all rolled up in a big zip lock bag --- and you know what? If you suck the air all out --- they don’t take up much room in the suitcase at all!

Today is Scrappy Trips Around the World --- a half day class!

After that, the packing up of the stuff begins. Extra boxes of books taped up, labeled and ready to be fed-exed home, quilts packed up and in their duffle, suitcases filled and ready for a trip to the airport on Monday Morning --

I plan on visiting the show and getting some show pics today after my class is over too – the show closes at 3pm. It was so busy on opening night that I didn’t get any photos, so it will be a mad dash to get that done.

Pineapple Crazy needs to be picked up after the show ends at 4pm ---it’s been so wonderful to hear the comments on how much people loved this quilt –I love it too!

My two roomies and myself are planning a leisurely dinner in downtown Burlington tonight – there is a really quaint area with lots of outdoor cafes and shops to browse through and enjoy our last evening together before we go our separate ways.

There may be some late night sewing after we are back from dinner, or it might just be an early to bed and sleep in a bit later time ---- I don’t have to be to the airport til 10:45am and I’ve been up before 6am every morning that I’ve been here so I could have my room open by 7:45am.

I do think a sleep in is in order, don’t you?

Have a great Sunday, Everyone! Oh yeah, and HAPPY JULY!! How did THAT happen so quickly?!

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