Quilt Block Sightings!

Don’t you just feel like the world is waving a big hello to you when you see something like this? We saw many many quilt blocks on barns, o... thumbnail 1 summary

Don’t you just feel like the world is waving a big hello to you when you see something like this?

We saw many many quilt blocks on barns, out buildings, businesses and cabins as we drove through the mountain areas.

Some we were able to stop for. ((hear me yelling "I NEED A PICTURE OF THAT!!))

Some we were not able to stop for--- we were on busy winding highways and I had to let some gorgeous ones go un-photographed ---but they are getting MORE and MORE popular and I enjoy seeing them when I am lucky enough to cross paths with them.

It’s like --- the world is my design wall! LOL!!

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Little ramshackle shed with a block between its windows --Be sure to look closely and notice the really great weather vane on top!

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This barn is sporting a double wedding ring motif.

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Vegetation has half obscured this shed – but it still made me yell “STOP!” and I jumped out to grab a picture!

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This is, by FAR my favorite photo…because in this view I saw not only ONE barn --- there were two on the property!

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Can you see the second one in the back? There was no way to get closer to it. I tried to do a zoom shot :

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And all I got was grainy! But you can see it -----

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The sun was streaming down on this whimsical applique style motif.

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On our drive through Banner Elk, NC last evening – there were SEVERAL on businesses around town!

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Quilting and Massage –both things that have had a place in my life. I’d feel right at home here!

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HEXIES!!! Nuff said!

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This is the fence around the recycle center! Not just ONE tree, but FOUR!

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If we were there at night, we’d see the twinkle lights shine around the blocks….I love this blue and white one.

Is there another tree quilt in my future? Just maybe!

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This scrappy one is adorable too….already my mind is dissecting the pattern --- is yours?

In searching for more info, I came across a pdf article from Carolina Country Magazine in 2009. There are some more great photos of Carolina Quilt Barns HERE!

So yeah. We are home! I couldn’t believe how FAST that drive home was --- of course I slept through half of it so that helps. This traveling for a relaxing weekend can sure wear a body out. ZZZzzzzzz.

Laundry awaits. The car is unloaded, but stuff needs to be put away ----and starting tomorrow morning I’m ramping up for the Vermont Quilt Festival!

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