Enablers, All of You!

Or – Friends who help feed my addiction! When I left for Ohio I had TWO machines in the car. I brought my featherweight for hotel room sewi... thumbnail 1 summary

Or – Friends who help feed my addiction!

When I left for Ohio I had TWO machines in the car.

I brought my featherweight for hotel room sewing.

Barbie also came with me, because Paul is helping me adjust the wooden extension table I have to fit her better ---and I brought the smaller 3/4 size table so he could use it as a template to make one for his Singer Spartan…

But OH what a slippery slope when people know you love vintage machines!

Carolyn came to class sporting a very recognizable case with NECCHI on it ---

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Y’all! She is PINK!!! I had to adopt her!

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She’s a bit different than Sophia --- she’s a Supernova Ultra Mark 2

Which means she threads a bit different, so I’ve been monkeying with her this morning for just a bit ---- even though I have a ton of other things I need to do today, I just couldn’t resist.

If you add this one to the Spartan that was so super cheap at the antique mall in Waynesville OH ----that means I left home with two machines, and came home with ---FOUR. This HAS to stop – is there an intervention for this type of behavior?!

And if that weren’t bad enough--- there are other types of enablers out there:

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Ruth sent me a message saying that she had not one, but TWO of the coveted Necchi attachment boxes complete with cams and feet – and would I be interested?!

Oh YEAH!! I really want to play with these and see what they can do.

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Knowing these machines were state of the art when they were made in the late 1950s makes me giddy ---but how do you USE all this stuff?!

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The original “READ ME” files are included!

Oh, Pink Necchi – you are going to have to wait until I have TIME to play with you! My flight to Vermont leaves at 5:55am tomorrow morning----I’m in a packing frenzy. But it’s nice knowing my enablers have got my back ---and that you will be waiting for me when I get home!

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