Cloud Rendering... Use your 25!

I got very excited when this email came in.... The trial you are currently using was made available—for a limited period of time—as a token ... thumbnail 1 summary
I got very excited when this email came in....

The trial you are currently using was made available—for a limited period of time—as a token of appreciation to those who tested Project Neon on Autodesk Labs. This exclusive trial ends December 31, 2011. However, because we are so pleased with the feedback we continue to receive from users like you, Autodesk has decided to offer a new trial! The new trial -- which will be open to anyone beginning January 3, 2012 -- offers 15 cloud units at no cost.*

Sweet!  15 more free cloud renderings to use!!!  .... But wait... there is more...

On January 3, the number of cloud units available to you will re-set to 15. Any unused cloud units from your previous trial will expire and will no longer be available.
WTF?? So if I still have 20 cloud renderings left I will lose 5 of them come January 3rd?  You're kidding right?  All this time I thought my 20 cloud renderings I have been saving for next semester would spike up to 35!

Damn.... This better mean  a new, less exclusive, version of The Cloud Rendering Service will be coming out soon...

Tell Autodesk how you feel about this...

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